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Paper Lamps Add Spice and animated Lighting Choices

The idea of paper lamps adorning your home may sound a wee "frat house" for your taste, but these versatile light fixtures may surprise you. As a matter of fact, once you start seeing you are likely to find a style of paper lamp that fits in with just about every room in your home. They can be found in such a large variety of colors, shapes and sizes that even the pickiest designer cannot deny that they fit into more decorating schemes than a dorm room next to a bean bag chair.

These lamps can be worked into the decorating project of just about any room if you know where and how to use them. To save space and add a wee more light to a dim corner, you can hang a knot of two or three round rice paper lamps from the ceiling. Not only does this add an fascinating and unique manufacture to the room, but it also offers an alternative to hanging a permanent light fixture. For safety and aesthetic reasons, use a power cord the same color as your wall and hang the light fixtures behind something, like the entertainment center or a chair. It will keep anything from tripping over the cord.

Floor Lamps

Wall sconces are someone else way to join lamps into the manufacture of your home. They also solve pressing space and light issues you may have because they take up no floor space and give of a soft accent light. These types of lamps are especially popular for rooms with a more earthy color project and design. This is especially true if you select wall sconces where the paper is handmade - or at least looks like it is. Often these are made of rice paper or even cotton.

One of the best known and more original uses for these lamps is for outdoor decorating. Round bamboo paper lamps can be strung from a gazebo, trees or fences and serve a dual purpose. They offer significant light for an outdoor evening picnic while also setting a calm, laid back mood. They can be great for adding an Asian touch or Polynesian accent to your party decorations. Just keep them away from the tiki torches!

These lamps are not solely for hanging from the wall or ceiling. More recent designs have given these former barbeque decorations their own leg to stand on, pun intended. Many modern designs are now calling for paper floor lamps to brighten up a room. Similar to the manufacture of hanging lamps, these floor lamps are made of the same rice paper material with a wire or plastic internal structure to keep their shape.

What is distinct about floor sized lamps is that they can be up to six feet tall or more and come in many abstract or accepted shapes. A popular shape is similar to the silhouette of a person. They can be a wee creepy at night when you're walking to the bathroom, so you might want to give yourself time to get used to them. Other styles look as if boxes stacked unevenly on top of one someone else or a stack of books in a spiral design.

Maybe this is just a personal observation, but it does seem that paper lamps are never alone! whether they're lighting up a bar-b-que, standing tall or hanging from your ceiling, they always seem to look their best in a group of two or three, sometimes more. No one knows why this is, but it's best not to interrogate the laws of...paper. anything the conjecture is, using a few these lamps together to spruce up a room can be a creative and inexpensive way to add accent light and style.

Paper Lamps Add Spice and animated Lighting Choices

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